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My Simplified Life with Michelle Glogovac

Aug 13, 2024

In this solo episode of My Simplified Life, host Michelle Glogovac shares her thoughts on the upcoming election and emphasizes the importance of kindness, empathy, and effective communication. She discusses several books that have inspired her, offering valuable insights into leadership, finding your voice, anti-racism, civic engagement, and storytelling. Michelle encourages listeners to read these books, engage in meaningful conversations, and be kind to one another.


What we’re talking about

  • The importance of kindness in leadership and daily interactions

  • Finding and using your voice effectively

  • Engaging in meaningful conversations about civics and politics

The Importance of Kindness in Leadership and Daily Interactions

Michelle highlights James Rhee's book Red Helicopter, emphasizing the role of kindness in leadership. She stresses that kindness should extend beyond simple gestures and be a fundamental part of how we interact with others. By incorporating kindness into our everyday lives and leadership styles, we can foster empathy and create positive change in our communities.

Finding and Using Your Voice Effectively

In discussing Permission to Speak by Samara Bay, Michelle underscores the significance of having faith in one's own voice. She encourages listeners to speak up and not be silenced by others. This takeaway is particularly relevant when discussing politics and personal beliefs, where it is crucial to communicate confidently and authentically.

Engaging in Meaningful Conversations About Civics and Politics

Michelle refers to Democracy in Retrograde by Sami Sage and Emily Amick, which provides practical ways to be an active and informed citizen. She emphasizes the need for constructive conversations about civics and politics, especially during election seasons. We can better understand each other and work towards a more inclusive society by engaging in these discussions with openness and respect.

Michelle's episode is a call to action for listeners to read, learn, and participate actively in their communities while maintaining a foundation of kindness and empathy.



Full List of Book Recommendations on Bookshop.Org

Red Helicopter by James Rhee

We’re Speaking by Hitha Palepu

Democracy In Retrograde by Sami Sage & Emily Amick

Permission To Speak by Samara Bay

Heal Your Way Forward by Myisha T Hill

How To Get On Podcasts by Michelle Glogovac